"Good and bad, I defined these terms. Quite clear, no doubt, somehow. Ahh, but I was so much older then. I’m younger than that now.”

Bob Dylan … from My Back Pages

“The group spoke of wanting to blanket the province with a reliable yet unobtrusive safety net, one which could provide universally predictable levels of assurance to all communities while still permitting local authorities to make decisions and expenditures in accordance with local will.”

“If two important measures of the soundness of a concept are the ease with which it gains consensus among a diverse body of interests, and how well the concept endures under examination by others outside the originating group, the concept which emerged from Saskatchewan’s Public Safety Review Committee (PSRC) deliberations certainly met that test. Once the interests, needs, concerns and constraints of the assembled stakeholders had received thorough study, it became readily apparent to an expanding group of participants that the province, its communities, and its emergency service providers require a Public Safety System which is simultaneously anchored in local determination yet fully integrated province-wide. In this, the most significant breakthrough came with the full group’s recognition that these are not mutually exclusive conditions.”

N. Taylor (2009)

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